The Sim Guide

Exceptional Pilot Training

Our dedicated services

We cover the following Types

B737, B737 MAX, B777, B787, A320, B747.

LPC Renewal/Revalidation


TRI/SFI course


TRI/SFI Refresher Seminar


TRES Course


TRE Refresher Seminars


AoC and EAoC for Instructors and Examiners


Type Rating Courses


Skill Test


Airline Interview Preparation

About us

The Sim guide

We specialise in training and checking professional pilots in the simulator with our well-trained and highly experienced instructors/examiners.

Our highest priority is to create a friendly, relaxed, and professional learning environment to enable you to perform at your very best and to achieve your goals. Let us guide you through the process and provide support throughout to assist you to find your ideal airline role.

Covid was a brutal time not just for our industry but for the travel as a whole and pilots went through a significant period of suffering both mentally and financially. But the blue skies are here and with many more options available, it is time to find the right job for you. Life on your terms, whatever that is for you: Short haul, well paid commuter contract or your dream job with your flag carrier.


We have teamed together with the best, like minded Instructors, Examiners and Senior Examiners from around Europe to provide training and checks at all levels from Type Ratings to TRE courses on multiple types and locations for EASA and UK CAA licences. By working under the umbrella of multiple ATO organisations we are able to provide the highest quality of services at a competitive price.

Capt.Christian Keegan

TRE/TRI, Line Check Captain
Former Deputy Training Manager and Flight Ops Inspector

I’ve had the pleasure of working with David in many roles over the last half-decade.
His flexible approach and innate ability to focus on the student’s needs means he is one of the first people I call.
Simply put, David is one of the very best, regardless of whether it is training, checking or development you are looking for.
There are no airs or graces, no feeling that you are on a mass-production line-this is quality service that leaves a lasting impression that your skillset has been enriched.

Camillus McLaughlin

First Officer Boeing 737

Over my 15 years’ experience flying jets in Europe and working as a bush pilot abroad, there is one lesson I have learnt. When you find a good instructor and or examiner, NEVER LET GO OF THEM.  There’s not many. David Mather is one of these rare few. He understands the industry, the theory, and more importantly, will understand you, what you want, and what you need. He also has the rare skill of teaching you all of this in YOUR language, not instructor language. He helped me achieve my dream. He will do the same for you. He is easily one of the best.

Fergus Rak

Base Chief Captain

I have known David for 6 years as a colleague and  I can confidently state he is one of the most passionate trainers I have come across in my near 30 years in aviation. Training pilots is his thing. He has all the attributes you would hope for in a trainer but above all, he always has the trainees best interests at heart, imparting confidence and improvement at every encounter.
His professionalism, management and communication skills all contribute to his robust integrity as an examiner.
A highly recommended aviation professional.

737 Video Tutorials


By David Mather SE/TRE/TRI

The 737 SIM Guide was created to help all pilots from cadets to experienced commercial pilots to achieve their very best performance in the simulator time and time again. We created free video tutorials on malfunctions from inside the Boeing 737 simulator with step by step guidance and provide training and checks at all levels from sim assessments to examiner Assessment of Competence.

Engine Malfunctions are challenging, even though we are likely to have practiced many throughout our careers for each recurrent sim check. With enough practice and repetition through simulator training and reviewing video presentations and study guides, this makes demanding manoeuvre look smooth and polished with the confidence of knowing if you faced it for real, you will be able to handle it.

Click on the YouTube libk to watch the video footage from fully certified simulators and demonstrated by very experienced pilots/examiners.

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