LPC Renewal/
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- LPC Renewal/Revalidation
You may need to keep your rating current with a License Proficiency Check (LPC) for a number of reasons, having changed aircraft type, keeping another Type Rating current is like an insurance policy. Having learnt lessons from the Covid days, many pilots choose to keep their options open in case it is needed.
If you hold a UK and EASA licence and your company only is able, or willing, to revalidate one of them. Or you may be looking to renew an expired rating as a requirement before starting a new airline job.
Call Us Now to Discuss Your Type Rating & Revalidation
We are proud & privileged to have David Mather as part of our team. David is one of our most experienced instructor/examiners with 35 years in aviation and over 25 years teaching. David is also a Senior TRE for the IAA and conducts Examiner AoC (EAoC) on behalf of the IAA for fellow examiners.
Our LPC (License Proficiency Check) include
- Test notifications (if required)
- Pre-flight briefing
- LPC/normally combined with another pilot
Debriefing and filing paperwork with the relevant authority
If you hold a current Type Rating and would like to REVALIDATE before it expires. This may be conducted up to 3 months prior to the expiry date and retain the same expiry month. LPC Revalidation of your current Type Rating helps you keep your skills and ratings current and may be required by airlines to get rehired. We will help you with the process.
LPC Renewal is required if you have passed the expiry date of the Rating. We work with a UK and EASA ATO who will assess the requirements individually based on experience, recency and how long rating has expired.
Training requirement will vary from No Training Required to CBT/ground school + sim training.
Note: it is the ATO who assesses training requirement and not the authority. If your Type Rating is no longer displayed in your pilots licence, this may not necessarily mean that you no longer hold the Type Rating, usually this is due to a licence change whilst the Type Rating is expired, and the authority have kept it on file. There is no requirement by the authorities to complete an entire Type Rating course after 3 years expiry.